jeudi 29 décembre 2011

Just ask me!

I don't know why, but it seems that I have "GPS" (or "charity") written on my forehead.

Yesterday (all my troubles seemed so far away...), the questions were :
- Can you show us where is the central station? Of course, ladies!
- I'm dying for a coffee, but I have no money... Ok young buddy, i'll get you one
- Madam, do you know where is the Urban Outfitter? It's just around the corner, at Place Stéphanie

Today (is the greatest...) :
- Is it the tram going to Churchill? Indeed, young lady
- Is this metro stopping at Beekkant? Huh... Huh, wait a minute, i'm in my book right now. What?
And then another gentle woman confirmed it to the guy sitting in front of me. For once, I got saved.

Everyday, I get asked. Even abroad, people ask me things... So, what? Why? Can you tell me. This time i'm asking you...

To be continued

vendredi 9 décembre 2011

The Last Supper before the Horrors begin

Yesterday, i just got my Bachelor in Communication diploma, three years after I finished my studies... So, I went to my old university and got it, right. Then, it was 7 pm and I was supposed to go to The Horrors gig at AB. Not willing to go home before, I decided to have a meal at Mirante, an italian restaurant close to AB. When I arrived there, there was just one table for two left, and it´s been taken by the guy who just entered before me. CRAP!
Who´s that guy?
The guy is Mr M., a well known journalist in the musical sector. I take the bull by its horns and shows the waiter I´d like to seat with Mr M. Surprised, he asked Mr M. if I could join, and as surprised he may also be, he says, yes, come and have a seat.
Because I said something like "come on, Mr M., it´s full here and i´d like to eat"... He replies "But how do I know you?"... I explain him that I was an intern three years ago at the same newspaper he´s working for, for the cultural department. And then we talked. A lot. About music, especially. He´s astonished we´re sharing the same favourite band - among others-, aka Sonic Youth. A good start. We eat our meals, talking, and drinking wine.
Then we finish, and as Mr M. still wants to get a coffee before the Horrors, and as I already want to go (soon the gig begins), he says it´s all fine, you just owe me a beer! GREAT.
The Horrors
So satisfied I am, to have had this meal with Mr M.! I am truly glad I could have a conversation with this journalist, famous for me, for his articles written with a skilled pen. Sharing ideas and gigs souvenirs with another music freak like me was, without any doubt, a great source of pleasure.
It´s time now for The Horrors to start. Filled by a delicious Dante pizza and a half bottle of wine - making me happier than ever- the band shows up at 21.15 on the AB stage.
They are here to present their latest baby called Skying. And I think they´ve choosen the right name for it. We are just getting into their flight, for one big hour. Very smooth fligt, they carry us gently through the sky, and are just enough polite to give us some thanks and some smiles. Not more, but that´s just enough. The geatest escape of this Horrors show was their precious single "Still Life", or a master piece as I´d call it. Dancing I am, and some guys behind me seem to find it strange. Indeed, we are at the back of AB, and there are 5 persons dancing. Probably the only ones in the crowd. I tell these young fellows behind me, "come on, you can dance". And one says "it´s impossible to dance on this" and to him I reply "But yes dear, you can dance on every music". The main thing is, that I see they are disappointed by the show. The Horrors are not the energic freaks they once were. They just became nerdy grown ups. And it´s all fine. At least for me and for a big part of the audience. GOOD.
From a very energic post punk debut, The Horrors evolved into a more atmospheric ambiance. With their second LP Primary Colours, we already noticed these indulgent waves. We also can´t avoid the Cure influence on that (evocative title, don´t you think?). With Skying, and its synthesizers, we may notice some light Primal Scream references, as well as some My Bloody Valentine. Am I wrong, Sirs of the Horrors? And what about this one song which starts a bit like Eisbaer from Grauzone. Hidden tribute to Stephan Eicher´s first tries?
Anyway, by now The Horrors have found their own sound, and I tink they are promised for a great recognition. POINT.

Get filled - more info(od) :

dimanche 4 décembre 2011

Ce 6 décembre, Daydream Nation goes... riot!

1/ Le mouvement des filles énervées, ou comment bousculer le machisme du milieu rock’n’roll. Elles se sont réveillées à l’aube des années 90, en créant des fanzines et en piquant les instruments de leurs mecs. En avoir assez de passer pour la groupie (et puis les groupies au masculin, ça existe aussi !). Prendre la scène, être dessus et montrer ce qu’on vaut. Crier au monde entier (ou presque) ses désarrois, ses peurs, sa haine sur une société paternaliste jusqu’au bout des ongles. L´expression de toutes formes d´injustices faites aux femmes au travers de chansons engagées... Telle est la bataille livrée par les Riot Grrrls ! Ce mardi 6 décembre de 22h à 23h sur Daydream Nation, découvrez les origines, les instigatrices et les héritières de ce mouvement punk et féministe.

2/ La deuxième partie de l’émission sera consacrée au festival allemand organisé par On3-Radio. Quels sont les nouveaux succès Made in Germany ? Ils seront dévoilés en exclusivité sur Daydream Nation, parti à la conquête de ces groupes le 26 novembre dernier. Plus d’info :